Lunar Time is published by Living Data Seeding Treaties Inc.



A space to engage in the Data Arena, University of Technology Sydney, for Sydney Science Festival, with sea level rise data and Antarctic krill. Photo: Sandy Edwards, 2019.

What is the Lunar Time Living Data Library?

This is a space to engage with lands and waterways between Antarctica, Australia, and wherever in the world you live, through stories inspired and informed by Indigenous and Western knowledge holders.

Stories are presented to inspire you to tell your own story of relationship to the natural world, through the project, Seeding Treaties: Voices from the Southern Ocean, where languages of the arts are used to combine scientific data and subjective responses.

Stories are collected and developed as the project travels, physically and virtually, to engage a diverse global audience.

The project will culminate in 2022 to coincide with the publication of the International Panel of Climate Change (IPPC) Report, and lead into the 2023 Global Stocktake to measure – and communicate – how countries are meeting the Paris Agreement targets.