Living Data Library

Beware of Pedestrians
Dance of people


Cat Kutay: ...Knowledge sharing is done in ceremonies through location on country or through knowledge that has been absorbed and held in the performer's body. Knowledge is developed as kinship-mind from your culture and your totem or expertise; it is shared as story-mind to establish authenticity of knowledge through community; it is presented as dreaming-mind in many formats or media to assist comprehension by others. The ceremony is ancestor-mind as it links back to all the past knowledge that has developed into the present understanding and it is pattern-mind as you will find during the ceremony the similar aspects of your shared knowledge that create a new framing of the world."

Lisa Roberts: "...A digital puppet evolves as an avatar for people to embody stories learned from lands and waterways and feelings they may have as they travel through them."



The Pedestrian puppet evolves to reveal stories held in country between Australia and Antarctica, as software engineers Cat Kutay and Michael Lynch experiment in the University of Technology Sydney Data Arena:

Antarctic heritage
People immerse themselves in the mating dance of krill.

Manipulating the Pedestrian puppet shows how counteracting forces in the body work together to maintain balance. This model is based on that developed by the osteopath S.G.J. Wernham. The Pedestrian's life as an avatar begins with expressing personal feelings in the film, Beware of Pedestrians (1994):