Lunar Time is published by Living Data Seeding Treaties Inc.



Cat Kutay
Descended from seafarers of Celtic and Pacific origin, Cat is a Research Active Lecturer in the College of Engineering, IT and Environment, at Charles Darwin University and a member of the Top End Language Lab. Cat works with Aboriginal communities for online language learning and story sharing as a way for Aboriginal culture and knowledge to be integrated into Australian engineering approaches.
Claire Sives
PhD Candidate, Faculty of Science, University of New South Wales: "I am a science educator and communicator. I enjoy creating immersive events that use a range of stimuli to inspire and educate. I believe experiential, interactive learning is a powerful tool for growing, learning and finding personal truth in life. Your connection with your truth is indomitable."
Elisabeth Johnson
Sydney-based arts consultant, curator, educator and business manager, Elisabeth's lifetime commitment is to engaging people with the natural world through the arts. She has won the respect of Indigenous Australian artists and the scientists who work with them. Current position is co-Director of the Kerrie Lowe Gallery, Sydney.
Katherina Petrou
Senior lecturer and researcher at the University of Technology Sydney, exploring impacts of climate change on Antarctic marine phytoplankton and sea ice microalgae: "My involvement with this project is motivated by a desire to tell a story. A story that will inspire future generations to entangle their destinies with that of the planet. A story that unifies science, culture and art to enrich the link that exists between humans and Nature."
Lisa Roberts
Art-maker, animator and interactive author: "My heritage is Aboriginal Australian and European. Since working in Antarctica I recognise Antarctic krill as my totem, and my purpose to engage people in the similar and different ways we respond as artists and as scientists, to disruptions in natural cycles of climate change. I am Roving Artist Residence in the Faculty of Science at the University of Technology Sydney and lead author of Living Data."
Lynden Nicholls
Artist and educator in a zoo and on trapezes: "I have always been engaged by the natural world. In dance this led me to the development of Animotions, my animal based movement style and technique. In my photography a love of nature reveals itself in images of shapes, textures and forms along rivers and waterways."
Maddison Gibbs
Bachelor of Animation from the University of Technology Sydney, and ongoing scholar of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts: "I am a proud Barkindji woman and grew up in Dubbo, NSW. My artworks are based on my culture, people and surroundings, they tell stories of past and present by using contemporary methods and ideologies. My works include political statements and educational information regarding Aboriginal issues, a subject which I am extremely passionate about."
Paul Fletcher
Animator, installation artist and teacher, Paul contributes to Living Data through conversations with UTS scientists, and with students at the VCA. In conversation with Tiriki Onus, Lisa Roberts, Andrew Constable and others, Paul has contributed key animations to the 2021 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution paper, Enduring Evidence-Based Policy for the Southern Ocean Through Cultural Arts Practices. .
Tiriki Onus
Yorta Yorta and Dja Dja Wurrung artist and educator: "I will be contributing art and ideas... through conversations with Lisa Roberts, Paul Fletcher and, through them, with other co-creators of this kaleidoscope of knowledge flows through space and time. I love that this project travels, physically and virtually, and the whole metaphor of travel as migratory patterns that are kind of linear but not, as well. To my mind it's like a wonderful Ven diagram where everything overlaps and stories change."


Who creates the Lunar Time Living Data Library?

Lisa Roberts coordinates the collection, presentation and documentation of stories in this space, and welcomes your guidance in rectifying any errors or omissions you may find here. Contact Lisa via lisa(at)

Stories are generated and collected through the Living Data project Seeding Treaties: Voices from the Southern Ocean (2020-2022).

L-R: Lisa Roberts, Cat Kutay, Michael Lynch, Simon Harris and Jason Benedek in the University of Technology Sydney Data Arena. Photo: Sebastian Reategui, 2017